Understanding Collaborative Divorce

Collaborative divorce emerges as a constructive alternative to the adversarial court process commonly associated with divorce proceedings. Rather than engaging in courtroom battles, couples opting for a collaborative divorce find a more amicable way to navigate the complexities of separation.

The process is akin to sharing an orange between two children, emphasizing the importance of asking the right questions to address each party’s needs effectively. In a collaborative divorce, both individuals have their attorneys, creating a support system to guide them through the proceedings.

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The collaborative team typically includes a financial professional and a mental health professional, ensuring a comprehensive approach to resolving issues.

Key Steps in Collaborative Divorce

Initiating with a joint meeting, couples express their priorities, such as ensuring children’s security and stability and achieving financial security for both parties. The collaborative team aids in collecting financial information, formulating post-divorce budgets, and addressing parenting plans with the help of mental health professionals who coach effective communication.

Subsequent joint meetings, often lasting two hours, involve a thorough review of financial details, parenting plans, and negotiations to reach a mutually agreeable resolution. Attorneys then draft the agreement, and a final meeting concludes the process, signing the decree. Importantly, this collaborative approach ensures that the couple only goes to court once, presenting a more harmonious and less damaging path through the complexities of divorce.


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