Property Disputes

Truck on Wet Road

How To Decode the Complexities of Liability in Freight Transport

Understanding liability in freight transport mishaps is crucial; it relies on the type of agreement: carriers or shippers. Insurance in freight transport safeguards against mishaps, covering damages if sufficient coverage is in place. Immediate steps post-accident include assessing the situation and hiring a competent truck accident lawyer. Navigating the legal process post-accident requires an understanding

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inheritance tax printed on paper with a pen and calculator

4 Potential Tax Implications When Claiming Your Inheritance

If you have recently inherited a sum of money or other property, you may be wondering about its tax implications. Inheritances are generally not taxed to the beneficiary. However, taxes can still come into play when claiming your inheritance. This article will explore four potential tax implications when claiming your inheritance. 1. Capital Gains Tax

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Property Division in Separation: Who Owns What?

Getting married is often seen as uniting two people and their lives. Unfortunately, not every marriage works out, and couples sometimes find themselves getting divorced. Recent statistics show that the divorce rate has increased to 2.3 per 1,000 people. Divorce can be a challenging and stressful process, made even more complicated when property division becomes

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legal assistance

Naming Your Beneficiaries: 5 Things You Need to Know

Estate planning is integral to financial planning, yet many people tend to push it aside until it’s too late. A key element of estate planning is deciding who will inherit your money and property during your untimely demise. This is done by naming beneficiaries in your will or estate documents. Choosing the right beneficiary is

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two people fighting

How to Handle Sibling Disputes on Parent’s Assets

When parents die, their children are often left to fight over who gets what. Although some parents have already created wills, that doesn’t stop the disputes. For one reason or another, siblings find ways to fight and see each other in court. These fights can be costly, both emotionally and financially. Here are five tips

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Knowing When to Use Mediation to Resolve Disputes

Although a business’s first concern typically covers product development, service improvement, and increasing profit margins, there’s more to business management than simply turning a profit every quarter. And of the more common problems that most companies will eventually run into during their operations are disputes, with some cases quickly settled over a fair amount and

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businesspeople at the office

Trademark Bullies: How to Handle Them and Prevent Being One

Giant corporations are now constantly facing competition from startup companies that bring modern products, services, and applications to the masses. These small businesses are backed by a changing attitude in how consumers purchase products and avail of services. Added to this, consumers nowadays prefer companies with values. They want brands that operate with a purpose.

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copyright law

Copyright Claims: Can You Defend Against it?

The number of copyright infringement cases is on the rise. A total of 4204 intellectual property cases were filed in the year 2020. Hence, it should not come as a surprise even if you get a copyright claim, especially under the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA). There can be two possible scenarios here, either you have stolen some

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person studying

Inheritance Disputes: Why These Family Dramas Are Common After Death

When Aretha Franklin died, everyone assumed that she would have a peaceful death. She gifted the world with her beautiful voice and songs like “R-E-S-P-E-C-T” for decades, after all. But her passing only started a drama that has been going on for almost three years: inheritance dispute. The story is complicated and sometimes feels like

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signing papers

Ways to Transfer a Family Business to Its Rightful Heirs

Family businesses are more than work. They are a part of a tradition. For some, leading a family business can mean a rite of passage to an heir. When talking about family businesses, people look up to the first-generation business founders with respect. Yet, it is inevitable that they will somehow pass the baton to

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