couple fighting

New Grounds: Understanding What to Do for Divorce

  • Agreeing on a mutual decision to divorce is essential for both parties.
  • Splitting assets equitably is necessary for the fair division of finances.
  • Retirement benefits must be addressed and divided fairly between the couple.
  • Child custody arrangements should be established to ensure children are provided for.
  • Having the assistance of a lawyer can help with navigating legal proceedings.

Divorce can be daunting and overwhelming for many people, especially those in a long-term marriage. It is estimated that almost 50 percent of first marriages end in divorce, with many more subsequent marriages ending in divorce. For individuals facing divorce, it can be a completely new experience, an entirely unfamiliar process that brings up various legal and emotional challenges.

It is important to note that divorce has changed significantly over the years. It was typically seen as more taboo in the past, with couples staying together despite issues due to pressure from family and friends. Today, however, there is much less stigma around divorce, and teams are more open to considering it if they feel their relationship is no longer healthy or fulfilling. This shift has increased the number of divorces filed each year, with some estimates suggesting that over 1 million divorces occur annually in the US alone.

If you and your partner are considering divorce, you must learn the legal process and the typical divorce steps. Here are a few steps to consider for your divorce:

Agreeing on Mutual Decision

Divorce can be stressful and emotional, and couples must ensure that the decision to divorce is mutually agreed upon. Couples should take time to understand their feelings and desires and discuss any issues that must be addressed before taking the next step. While couples should acknowledge that their relationship may no longer work for them, it is also essential that they both feel comfortable with the decision.

Therapy can be an invaluable tool in making a mutual decision about divorce. A therapist can help couples identify feelings of resentment or hurt that may be clouding their judgment and assist them in finding ways to address these emotions healthily. Often, therapy allows couples to express feelings openly without fear of being judged or ridiculed by the other partner. It will enable each time to reflect on their needs and desires within the relationship before making a final decision.

Ultimately, couples need to ensure that both parties are on board with any decisions made about divorce. Many factors are involved in filing for divorce, such as legal proceedings, finances, living arrangements, etc., all of which must be considered before signing papers or taking further action. Taking time out for therapy can help ensure that the decision is mutually agreed upon and will help bring peace of mind during what could otherwise be a complex process.

Splitting Assets Equally

Splitting assets equally

Divorce can be a complex process, and it is vital to ensure that both parties have an equal share of the assets when they go their separate ways. Splitting assets equally during a divorce means both sides will have the financial security to thrive after their marriage ends. Below are some of the most common types of assets to divide among divorcing couples:


Property is one of the most essential assets for couples to divide in a divorce. This includes real estate, such as a home, vacation property, or rental units, and personal items, such as furniture and clothing. To ensure both parties get an equitable share of the property, couples should list all items and divide them by value or number depending on the item. If irreconcilable differences exist between the couple regarding property division, court decisions may be necessary to settle things equitably.


Finances are another type of asset that needs to be divided for both parties to start fresh following a divorce. This includes bank accounts, investments, retirement funds, pensions, debts, and taxes owed by either partner or joint accounts that must be closed out. Each partner needs to keep accurate records and provide statements showing all financial reports in their name before dividing finances so that everything remains fair across both sides.

Retirement Benefits

Retirement benefits are also essential for divorcing couples and must address how these will be split up. This includes investments, pensions, annuities, and Social Security benefits each partner has earned during their marriage. Both sides need to understand the terms of any retirement plans they were part of before getting divorced. With this information, couples can decide how to split up retirement accounts equitably so that no one is left without a financial safety net following their divorce.

Child Custody Arrangements

If the couple has children, deciding who will have primary custody of the children is essential as part of the divorce. This includes deciding who will be responsible for making decisions about education, health care, religious and extracurricular activities. It also involves determining how child support payments are divided between spouses so that each partner can provide for their child’s needs.

Hire a Lawyer

Getting a divorce lawyer

Unfortunately, you might struggle to understand how to file for divorce, urging you to get legal help. A lawyer can provide legal guidance and help navigate issues during divorce proceedings, such as child custody or property division. An experienced lawyer will also be able to answer your questions about filing for divorce and ensure that all paperwork is correctly filled out.

To ensure an equitable divorce, all the above steps must be taken. This will help guarantee a fair outcome and ensure that both sides can move forward with their lives following their divorce.

Final Thoughts

By understanding the legal process for filing for divorce, how to mutually agree on the decision, how to split assets equitably, and making child custody arrangements, couples can confidently proceed through the process. Additionally, having an experienced lawyer by your side will help ensure all paperwork is filled out and filed correctly. Despite its difficulty, divorce often presents new beginnings for partners wishing to find happiness elsewhere. With these tips, individuals considering divorce can take control of their future and begin anew!

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