Family Law & You

couple having a divorce

What Will Happen to Your Business During Divorce?

While divorce can be an extremely stressful time, it’s important to remember that the judge presiding over your case isn’t out to get you or to make your life more complicated than it already is. They’re merely trying to ensure that both you and your spouse are treated fairly and decisions are made in the

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Dealing with a Divorce Case

Dealing with a divorce case can be difficult, especially if you are not sure what to do next. You may be feeling overwhelmed and stressed out, but it is important to stay organized and focused during this time. Here are some tips for dealing with a divorce case. 1. Take Time to Grieve Dealing with

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child happily hugging her teddy bear while her parent are discussing with the lawyer

Protecting Your Children When Your Marriage Is Ending

Do you know that more than the issue of co-parenting and marriage problems, the one thing that most people don’t realize when a marriage is ending is how the children are analyzing what happened? Forget about them going back and forth between their newly separated parents’ houses. Divorce is so normal these days that it’s actually easy

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family with a lawyer

The End Doesn’t Have to Be a Mess: a Good Divorce

When couples find enough reasons to break up their marriage and go their separate ways, they are often hindered by fear of what happens during a divorce. This is not surprising because almost all divorce cases on the news headlines or those depicted in the media are downright chaotic. Divorces are normally dominated by the

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child support

Child Support in New Mexico: How Much Will It Cost for Parents?

Often, divorce isn’t as simple as signing up the papers and dividing the assets. If children are involved, both parties may have to sit down and talk about child custody and support. The rules for both can vary between states. Take, for example, how to calculate child support. Parents need to choose between Worksheets A

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prenup concept

Is a Prenup Worth Your Peace of Mind?

Indeed, there’s no such thing as a perfect marriage. No matter how much two people are in love with one another, their union is bound to be tested by disagreements and trials. The problem is many couples are calling it quits and divorcing. Statistics show about 50% of marriages in America end up in divorce. Worse, the

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man behind bars

Employment Repercussions: How an Arrest Can Affect Your Career

When one gets arrested, many worries will cloud your mind. You will worry about your family’s needs, who will take care of your pets, your house, and other obligation. But one thing most people would worry about is their careers. When you are in jail, you will have a difficult time managing your finances. It

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family with a lawyer

Healthy Approaches to an Amicable Divorce

Getting divorced is a process that requires patience and kindness. No matter who initiated the separation, everyone will be hurting. The people who will feel the most pain are your children. You and your partner must ensure that you stay respectful and sensitive to their feelings throughout this process. Make a plan for informing them about the

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young girl holding teddy bear

Who Gets the Kids: The Heartbreaking Battles in Child Custody

A divorce can be a devastating event that plagued your family. Regardless of the reasons for separation, it can affect everyone involved in the most hurtful way. One of the people who will suffer is your kid, who might be at the receiving end of the trauma and long-term effects of being in a broken

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person discussing document

Prenuptial Agreement: Why You Should Get One

When it comes to preparing for a marriage, couples often focus on glamorous components. You put all your time, money and effort into the venue, food, clothing and the like. Although these are essential parts of your big day, there may be other important matters of your marriage you may overlook. One of them is

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